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Panel Chair in arbitration of claim by customer for breach of a consulting services agreement to customize enterprise software; counterclaim by vendor for payment of outstanding invoices.


Panel Chair in arbitration of claim for breach of the patent indemnification provision in a technology license agreement.


Sole arbitrator in claim by third party seller against provider of online storefront for withholding sales proceeds allegedly due to seller.


Sole arbitrator in claim by customer against consulting services firm for breach of agreement to develop e-commerce website.


Sole arbitrator in claim by developer against its customer for failure to pay for custom electronic options trading exchange platform; counterclaim for  defective software.


Sole arbitrator in claim for breach of an agreement to develop and distribute software to be made available to schools on an ASP (“Application Software Provider”) basis.


Sole arbitrator in arbitration commenced pursuant to joint submission seeking a declaratory award determining whether customer had right to terminate agreement to provide dashboard software on the grounds that vendor was unable to continue performance and/or the software had defects.


Sole arbitrator in claim by customer for breach of a project development and software license agreement; counterclaim by vendor for balance due under agreement.


Panel Member in arbitration of  claim for breach of an agreement to distribute prepaid wireless minutes through the use of electronic algorithms (PINS); counterclaim for providing defective PINS, tortious interference, and unfair competition.


Panel Member in arbitration of claim brought by former executives of audio and video streaming company for failure to pay severance under employment agreement; counterclaim for misappropriation of trade secrets, breach of covenants not to compete or solicit, and tortious interference.


Panel Member in arbitration of claim by footwear maker for breach of license to use internationally recognized trademark.


As advocate, represented major telecommunications carrier in arbitration involving claims and counterclaims totaling approximately one billion dollars for breach of Internet services contract and trade secret misappropriation.


As advocate, represented major American telecommunications carrier against British and Japanese telecommunications carriers in international arbitration seeking reimbursement of multi-million dollar overcharges for operation and maintenance expenses under a Construction and Maintenance Agreement relating to a North Pacific undersea telecommunications cable. 


As advocate, represented French carbon and graphite product manufacturer in international arbitration involving claims for breach of  technology licensing agreement and misappropriation of trade secrets brought by leading American graphite manufacturer.  

Copyright 2022 Joseph P. Zammit. All rights reserved.

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